Our Employees
Without our Employees, we cannot Serve our Clients
- Pay a fair rate
- Regular Reviews
- Training Program
- Opportunities for Advancement
- Recognition for achievements
- Regular get-to-gethers with employees and their families
Our Clients
Without our Clients, we cannot Serve our Community
Provide Unmatched Service
Competitive Pricing
3 Divisions to allow Specific Management for each Service provided
Comprehensive QA Program that Includes Audits, Training, & Client Feedback
We have an God Given Responsibility to Serve Others
We have created a Charitable Affairs Division
Set Monthly Budget to Serve Various Charities
Regular Company-wide Volunteering
Create an Opportunity for Our Employees to Get Involved
Our Environment
Protecting our Water & Air Quality is another way they we Serve our Community
By Serving our Clients, we help Protect our Air & Water
We have sat on Regional & National Panels to better Serve our Environment
We Minimize the Use of Paper as Much as Possible by Electronic Innovations
As a Company, we strive to recycle wherever possible
We have invested in BMPs that are re-usable and recyclable