A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is your “Contract” with the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP). The SWPPP specifically outlines what you will be doing on your project, how this could affect stormwater runoff, and what you will be doing to prevent pollution.

Like a contract, the SWPPP is a binding agreement. The SWPPP is used by the EPA as evidence, more than any other item. The on-site conditions of a project change every minute, so it is harder for the regulators to fine you for a messy site. However, the SWPPP is spelled out in black and white, what you are agreeing to do. If you do not do what you said you would do, then the regulators have rock-solid evidence against you that can be very costly.

A few years ago, it was sufficient to just use a basic template to prepare a SWPPP. Today, the SWPPP is the most scrutinized component of a stormwater compliance program. The EPA can assess you fines for your project, just by visiting your trailer and going thru the SWPPP.

Like a contract, the SWPPP should be prepared by someone that is knowledgeable with the requirements of the SWPPP. A SWPPP is complex and must be prepared without mistakes. Mistakes can be costly and increase your liability. In addition, a SWPPP is a living document that must be updated and changed regularly depending on changing site conditions.

Eros Environmental utilizes a Certified Professional in Erosion & Sediment Control (CPESC) to prepare the SWPPPs from beginning to end. This ensures that the SWPPP is prepared by a knowledgeable professional and that you are adequately protected.



Before a project over one acre can be started, a Notice of Intent (NOI) must be filed with Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP). This is your “Permission to Discharge Stormwater” from your site. Without this permit, an operator cannot begin construction.

If an operator has multiple projects, not part of an umbrella project, each project must have their own permit. An operator is defined as a company that has operational control over the plans and specifications. If the owner is different than the operator, they must be named on the permit, as well.

Your stormwater permit is not your grading or dust permit, however, like these other permits, you can be fined or shut down if you begin soil disturbing activities without one. 

Strategic Permitting is an important part of your Stormwater Compliance Program. Limiting your liability is Key. Eros Environmental can assist you with this process by strategically preparing and filing the necessary paperwork, so you may obtain a NOI that keeps you in compliance, while limiting your liability.


Routine inspections for the site are required to ensure that the SWPPP is working and that the operators are not polluting “Waters of the US”. Nevada Department of Environmental Protection (NDEP) requires that inspections for the project be conducted every seven (7) days and within twenty-four (24) hours of a half inch or more rain event.

Inspections allow you to know if your program is working and, if there are weaknesses, give you some direction to correct those problems. Inspections are an integral part of the SWPPP, as well. A SWPPP is created to outline what is “expected” to happen on site. What actually happens and what was “expected” are commonly different. The inspection allows you to regularly check for differences and update the SWPPP accordingly.

There are currently no requirements on who can perform the inspections, however, the EPA does require the inspector to be “qualified”. To be qualified, the EPA requires that they be knowledgeable in several areas relating to stormwater. Eros Environmental can assist you with your required inspections. All of our inspectors are not only “Qualified”, but also “Certified”. Eros Environmental allows you to concentrate on what you do best, while we assist you with what we do best. We have several inspection options to choose from depending on your desired participation and budget.


Stormwater Compliance training is not only one of the most important components of your Storm water program; it is also required by the EPA. The EPA requires that all site personnel and project managers be trained and qualified in stormwater compliance practices. All of these people must be knowledgeable in all aspects of stormwater.

Eros Environmental has several training programs to certify your personnel in Stormwater Compliance. In addition to our standard programs, Eros can customize a training to fit your specific needs. Training can be conducted with or without handouts, depending on your specific budget.

All programs are 3-4 hours, classroom-style training that includes a certification to students who successfully complete the class. All classes are conduvted by a Certified Professional in Erosion & Sediment Control (CPESC). Eros has training hundreds of contractors, developers, and builders throughout the southwest.

Dust Monitoring

Regulations in Clark County call for any project that disturbs 50 acres or more must have a full-time Certified Dust Monitor on site during all soil disturbing activities. This Dust Monitor must constantly observe the site looking for air quality problems and thoroughly document the findings. In addition, the Dust Monitor many times acts as the liaison between contractors and the owner and between the regulators and the owner.

In addition to stormwater compliance services, Eros Environmental also offers our clients Dust Monitoring Services. Blowing dust is actually wind erosion, which is regulated by the same Federal, State, and Local entities that enforce stormwater compliance. This is actually enforced much more than stormwater and the fines can be almost as much as stormwater violations.

Clark County has several air quality inspectors that patrol developments and construction sites looking for violations. Armed with cameras, they investigate sites documenting violations. Once their evidence is collected, an operator may receive a CAO (Corrective Action Order) or a NOV (Notice of Violation). A NOV is accompanied with a fine that can range from a few hundred dollars to thousands of dollars.

Eros Environmental utilizes the same methodologies that have been successful for stormwater compliance for years. These methodologies, paired with our extensive knowledge and unmatched service allow us to offer our clients with the peace of mind of true air quality compliance.

BMP Installation & Maintenance

EPA regulations require an effective combination of Erosion & Sediment Control Best Management Practices (BMPs). BMPs are the devices or processes in which we use to minimize pollutants from discharging from our sites. BMPs are categorized in three different types.

The first types of BMPs are Structural – Permanent. These are BMPs that were designed for a particular project and are permanent. These types of BMPs may include rip-rap channels, retention / detention basins, revegetation / landscaping, and outfalls.

The next type of BMPs are Structural – Temporary. These BMPs are intended to be used temporarily and be removed when the project is complete, or they are not needed any longer. These types of BMPs may include silt fence, wattle, inlet protection, rock bags, and hay bales.

The last type of BMPs are Non-Structural / Procedural. These BMPs are not structural and are not commonly thought of as BMPs. These may include street sweeping, project phasing, training, housekeeping, and policies.

Eros Environmental utilizes the most economical and efficient BMPs on the market. We have over 18 years of experience in developing and installing various BMPs. We take pride in installing BMPs correctly and not taking short cuts. We also provide Street Sweeping using the the best sweepers available.

Dust / Erosion Control

Dust / Erosion Control is required by the Clean Water Act, as well as the Clean Air Act. It is also normally regulated by multiple agencies. The EPA or local municipalities many times have separate Stormwater and Air Quality Inspectors that can both enforce the regulations.

Besides Water Truck Services to control dust on constructions sites, Eros Environmental also utilizes the best, most effective Dust Palliatives & Soil Stabilizers on the market. One of our main criteria is that they not only are they the highest quality, but also environmentally safe.

Eros Environmental has partnered with Soil Works, which is the world's leading supplier of high quality, environmentally safe Dust Palliatives & Soil Stabilizers.

Whether it is one lot or hundreds of acres, or if you need it to last a couple months or a couple years, Eros Environmental has a solution to meet your compliance needs, as well as your budget.